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PCA : person-centred approach


The Person-Centred Approach (PCA) applies to all kinds of problems: depression, anxiety, loss of meaning in life, and the start of a crisis situation. On the other hand, this approach does not remedy other pathologies such as OCD or phobias.
Anyone who wishes to be accepted without judgement in their singularity (values, experience, experiences, and feelings) greatly benefits from ACP.


Integrative par excellence, ACP can use other therapeutic tools than just introspection. Depending on the needs, it integrates systemic therapy, movement therapy, the Greenberg approach, sport, meditation, cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), or psychodynamics (psychoanalysis). Focusing techniques as well as lifeline and cardiac coherence help to reconnect the body, experience, and feelings.

Not very directive, the ACP relies on collaboration between patient and therapist. It seeks to help the person seeking help to find the exercises that suit them, depending on their life path: taking a cold shower in case of anxiety, for example.

ACP draws on the patient’s resources.

Sometimes a few sessions are enough. However, ACP is based on relationships and knowledge of others. So it’s about getting to know each other. Neither rapid nor shock therapy produces its best results in the long term.

The ACP welcomes strong emotions, tears, and the expression of intimate feelings. It is based on active listening. To do good.

ALMAVAL practitioners provide a safe space for assured listening and confidentiality.

For whom

To benefit from PCA, the patient must be able to connect to their emotions and bodily feelings. In case of intellectual deficit or lack of interest in introspection, PCA is not the best method.
The expert is the patient. He’s the one who knows. We therefore emphasise the person and not the pathology.
ACP makes the person an actor. It encourages him to draw on his intrinsic resources.
. It assumes that everyone has immense growth potential, even if their beliefs go against the norm.

By whom

ACP therapists share one thing in common. They accept the person seeking help as they are. Without judgement. And by demonstrating an unconditional positive attitude. They believe that everyone did what they did for a good reason. Their role as therapists is to try to understand without making a diagnosis, sticking a label, or establishing a therapeutic hypothesis beforehand.

At Almaval, ACP therapists like to establish a real relationship.

Between you and me…

Sometimes I see myself as a watering can that helps a seed grow. Sometimes like a tutor helping someone get back on their feet in their direction

L.F. - psychologist

The cliché

« Some people think psychologists are crazy. Others believe that we have the answer to everything. The important thing is that the patient perceives that I too have had psychological difficulties» – N. W. – psychologist.

The gag/paradox

« The more a patient feels “very small” or “nothing at all”, the more immense their growth potential is » – L.F. – psychologist.

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